Classification of Asana And Yogasana and Yog bayam
Different asana are divided into three parts according to the physical and mental impact of the individual .
1. Dharmanas: During the asana habit of the asana Dhananson is called the asana of the spinal cord and long time. Asana are special functional and meditation in favor of increasing emotional unity, the idea of worship. Namely - Padma asana, Bazra asana, Gemuka asana etc.
2. Shastha asana : The body is called health asana , which can be kept healthy, vigorous and disease free which is possible to keep the body healthy, vigorous the way of the asana habit. For example - Chakra asana, vujagga asana, salva asana, Trigona asana, Mauir asana etc. Generally, asana is hard relatively in comparison to Meditation. These asana are made in various parts of the body. The role of asana in the case of health is very important.
3.Bisrama asana : All the bodies in the asana of which all the bodies are re-relaxed and there is no tension or pressure in the body, and it is called bisrama asana. For example - sobasana, makarasana and shasthi asana. This asana is particularly helpful to eliminate physical fatigue and mental depression.
Yogasana and Yog bayam :
According to many, the Asana is a special process of maintaining physical and mental wellness and spiritual development, it is not an exercise. In general, we have called the exercise as a exercise method, so the bodybuilding system has been more familiar with Yogic Exercise (Yogic Exercise) through asana. The physical and mental change and improvement of regular practices in the physical process (Asana, Pranayam, Mudra, Bandha, Neti, Dhouti etc.), in the way of regular habits, it is called a great sense, it is known to be known to Yog bayam. Yog and Yog bayam will be used in almost the same sense, but remember, Yog is a great thing, Yogasana and Yog bayam is a part of it.
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