Eight Limbs of Yoga

 Eight limbs of Yoga Maharshi Patanjali has described the attainment of samadhi as the ultimate goal of yoga.  In order to reach this goal, eight steps have been mentioned: Yam, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratharana, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.  The first five of these eight stages belong to Hathayoga and the last three to Rajyoga.  

1.  Moral Abstinences - The first step in the path of attainment is restraint.  Five types of yam have been mentioned - 

(a) Non-violence : Violence to engage in hateful acts, to persuade someone or to support such acts must refrain from.  Thoughts, thoughts, words and deeds should always be non-violent and should be careful not to think of harming anyone.  

(B) Truthfulness - Truthfulness is the proper expression of an event as it has been seen or seen.  We must always follow the path of truth - no matter how difficult that path may be.  Truth must be observed with devotion, only then can the power of truth be found  He who takes refuge in the truth, his words are infallible, his words do not fail. 

 (C) Asteya (Non - Stealing) - The meaning of the word "Asteya" is not to steal.  Just as it is wrong to steal someone's things, it is just as wrong to think of stealing.  The thought of stealing comes from Lave, so Lave has to leave.  The lack of a levy person is never filled by theft.  The thought of stealing gives birth to sin in the mind, scattering the mind.  So never think of stealing.

 (D) Brahmacharya (Vow of Celibacy) - Brahmacharya is the mental companionship of Brahma or God.  This requires mental discipline (Mental Disci pline).  We have to give up ugly thoughts and lust from the mind.  Then it will be possible to gain holiness and semen or energy.  This power or holiness is essential for gaining nearness to God.

(E) Non-acceptance - means not accepting any thing, kindness, generosity.  This acceptance creates a kind of obligation towards the donor, which may hinder our work or pursuit in the future and may be affected by the donor.  If you can give up the mentality of taking extra of the need, you can have a firm commitment in your own way.

  2.  Ethical Observances - Any routine on a regular basis.  Obedience is the rule.  There are five types of rules- (a) Defecation (b) Satisfaction (c) Tapah (d) Swadhyaya (e) Ishwar Pranidhan.  

(A) Purity - There are two types of defecation.  Internal defecation to keep the inside of the body clean and external  defecation - to keep the outer layer of the body clean.  Internal defecation can be divided into two parts - physical and mental.  Contaminated things inside the body should be removed by neti, dhoti, basthi etc.  At the same time the mind has to be purified by eliminating lust, anger, love etc.  External defecation is to keep the outer covering of the body clean and pure through bathing etc.  Wow defecation is more necessary than defecation. 

 (B) Satisfaction (Contentrnent) - Satisfaction to be satisfied with what you have or have received.  This satisfaction brings spirits to people's minds.  In this state, there is no sorrow like losing something, and there is no exuberant expression of joy in receiving again.  The seeker finds happiness and contentment.

  (C) Tapah (Asceticism) - The word tapah or asceticism  comes from the Sanskrit word tapah  which means to heat up.  The heat of the mind is increased and the mind is purified through austerities, just as Saina, Laha, etc. are purified with heat.  Prolonged austerities increase control over the body and the senses, and a variety of miraculous powers are attained. 

 (D) Swadhyaya (Study) -Study of Veda, Upanishads etc.Spirituality - The reading of the scriptures is called Swadhyaya.  Different types of mantras, pronunciation, chanting, etc. belong to Swadhyaya.  Through this, Saintly are expressed in the mind of the devotee. 

 (e )Ishwar Pranidhan (Declication to God) - Worship of God with special devotion is called Ishwar Pranidhan.  At one time the devotee surrendered himself to God while performing regular worship of the deity.  He realizes all of his desires.  

3. Seat or Asana (Posture) - Seat is a position that is consistently comfortable in a certain posture.  Physical well-being and mental fortitude are achieved through asana practice. 

 4.  Pranayama (Breathing Control) - Normal breathing - Pranayama is the breathing and exhalation according to a certain rule that disrupts the speed of breathing.  After sitting for a long time, the body becomes accustomed to the practice of pranayama.  The mind is punished through pranayama.

 5.  Withdrawal of Senses - After adequate pranayama practice, the senses gradually become subdued and the mind can free itself from the attraction of various external objects and objects.  Withdrawal is to turn the outward mind.  As a result, the mind can know and understand about itself.  In the same way that the tortoise wraps itself up, it must remove itself from all external things and become a novice in the pursuit.  .

6.Concentration - The word concept means concentration.  When the mind is confined to a particular place, it is called idea.  This perception or concentration leads to stability of mind and increases power and speed of mind.  In this state the devotee refrains from doing or talking about anything other than his own pursuit.  He keeps his mind focused on the delusion or on a particular part of the body.  This concentrated state of mind takes the devotee to the next level. 

7. Meditation - When the mind stays in a certain center of the body for a long time after being in the state of perception, it is called meditation.Omkar or any other sacred mantra can be recited while meditating.  During this time the body-mind is driven by a kind of rhythm.  The mind becomes full of joy. 

8. Samadhi (Contemplation or Super Consciousness) - If the meditation lasts for a long time, it is called Samadhi or Jaigabastha.  Samadhi is the ultimate state of meditation.  At this time the devotee's mind merges with the soul and he remains asleep even when awake.  All his whims - luxuries and desires come to an end, there is no arrogance, worldly happiness - sorrow touches him. He wanders in ecstasy in a state of unconsciousness.  He has no knowledge of his own existence, but he is a great sage.  Reach the devotee at the highest level of pursuit.  

Maharshi Patanjali Yoga Thinking of the saints, attaining samadhila or divya knowledge was the ultimate goal.  To us today, the word 'samadhi' means success in the workplace and living a happy life in a healthy, strong and calm body.  In order to get this samadhi, one has to make astanga yag a part of our life.  We need to focus on how we can integrate this into our daily lives;  We can move forward in our pursuit.
