Prohibition / Caution During Practicing Yog Bayam

1)  Children below 12-13 years of age should not do Shirshasana, Sarbangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana. 

2) Abdominal rashes such as diarrhea, diarrhea, etc.;  For example, it is recommended not to do Chakrasana, Ustrasana etc. 

3) It is better for those whose heart is week not to do salvavasana, mayurasana etc. which are stressful on the chest and other difficult seats.

4)  Eye, ear, nose and toothache headaches, squatting, squatting and headaches, headaches and eye soreness need to be practiced carefully.  

5) In spondylitis and slip discs, it is harmful to do front bending asanas such as Padmahastasana, Halasanas etc.  

6) Appendicitis, hernia, etc. increase the pressure in the abdomen.  Asana Such as - Paschimaettanasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Navi asana etc. should not be practiced.

7)  Suffering for cold cough and blood pressure no asana or exercise should be done with the head down such as padmahasthasana, sirsasana or headstand.

8) Girls should stop sitting or exercising for 4-5 days during menstruation.  

9) If you have low blood pressure or high blood pressure, do not do more strenuous exercise.  

10) The practice of yoga is harmful in any kind of physical illness, with excessive anxiety, anxiety, sudden jerks or busyness, on an empty stomach, on a tired body, in time of reluctance at the request of colleagues, holding the speed of excrement, to show bravery by showing hard asana that one did not practice yet, hurried to think for next job , with distorted face, at night or waking up immediately.
