Rules And Regulation of Asana Habits

1) Breathing - During Asana practice breathing will be completely normal.  There is no need for intentional control over breathing in, out, or out.  The body will adjust itself according to the position of the seat, when to inhale, exhale or hold off.  Intentionally stop breathing without special instructions.  The mouth will be closed while sitting.  Breathing through the mouth is harmful.  

2) Dimensions - 7-8 asanas can be done at a time.  Each seat needs to be done 3-4 times.  20-30 seconds at the beginning, then gradually increase the time to one and a half to two minutes depending on the capacity.  If the ability to stay for two-three minutes in a row is mastered, it is enough to do it once or twice.  

3) Measurement of time - Many people use 'one to thirty', 'one to fifty' etc. to calculate the time while sitting in the seat.  As a result, there is a possibility of disturbance in the mind.  So it is better not to do such calculations.  If it is not possible to see the clock, you have to measure the time roughly.  Slightly shorter time - more likely no damage. 

4) Complementary Seats - The spine needs to be bent backwards after the seat.  For example, Ustrasana after Shashkasana, Matsyasana after Sarbangasana etc.  Asanas in which more tension or pressure on one side of the body (right or left), during sitting, are created, then, shift the arms and legs equally on both sides.For example, Padmasana, Janushirasana, Trikonasana, Adhamatsyendrasana etc. 

5) Midfulness -  The practice of mindfulness sitting should be done in a slow, steady and smooth manner by concentrating on the benefits of the seat.  Don't be distracted or talk.  Concentrate on the part of the body that is being exercised. 

6) Place - Proper space,  air - Ventilation,  clean open space and quiet environment are suitable for yoga practice.  When practicing indoors, windows and doors need to be kept as open as possible.  You have to practice sitting on it to get the blanket.  You should practice sitting on a soft bed.

7) Time - Early morning  is the best time to practice sitting.  Especially the practice of sitting before sunrise is especially effective.  At this time the amount of oxygen in the air is high.  If it is not possible in the morning for any reason, it can be done before bathing, in the afternoon or in the evening.  Hard seats can be practiced relatively easily in the afternoon.  

8) Dress - Shorts for boys - Pants and gymnastics costumes for girls.  Older women can wear shawls.  It is important to keep in mind that the seating habit should not be too tight, and should not be too loose.  The dress should be such that every part of the body can be moved easily and there is no need to pay attention to keep the dress properly during the practice. 

9) Rest - It is necessary to rest for 1 minute after each asana practice.  Practitioners will breathe a little longer for anger healing.  It is better not to do any hard work right after sitting.  

10) Vision - - Asana practice will usually have vision in front of you, but you can also practice with your eyes closed.  Seats with closed eyes it is easy to concentrate and quite comfortable. 

11) Others - During practicing headstand, sasak asana and matsa asana it is very essential  that one need to keep soft clothes.  

If for some reason you start again after a long unaccustomed practice, you need to start small and gradually increase the time of practice and the number of exercises.  

It is necessary to pay special attention to the notable issues discussed after the practice of each asana, pranayama etc.  Then there is the possibility of errors in practice.
