Surya Pranam or Surya Namaskar
In ancient times the sages used to worship the sun god as the source of energy before the practice of Yogasana. This time they are chanting the sun mantra. The method by which the body was made useful for yoga through movement has gradually come to be known as ‘Surya Pranam’ or ‘Surya Namaskar’ exercise. Sun prostration is caused by a combination of posture and exercise.
A. Method -
1.Stand in a salutation.
2. Raise both hands over the head and bend the body backwards.
3. Place the front two hands on the ground at the feet, the forehead near the knees.
4. Sit on your knees with your head down.
5. Take the right leg back.
6. Lift your head and look ahead.
7. Take the left leg back; In this position, the legs will be paired with each other, the weight of the body will be mainly on both hands.
8. Break the elbows and bring the body parallel to the ground; make sure that the thighs or abdomen do not touch the ground.
9. Then take the opposite way i.e stand in a salutation.
10.Do this 3-4 times to 10-12 times as much as you can. Take a deep breath in the habit.
B. Note - It will become easier after a few days of practice. Then you have to try to do it a little faster without stopping. Breathing will be normal. Breathing and exhalation is a natural process. The body will adjust itself according to the physical needs, when to breathe and when to leave. So without paying too much attention to breathing be careful about the correct position of the feet as well as hands.
C. Benefits - 1)Surya Pranam 'Exercise is a beautiful exercise for everyone in a very short time.
2) By making the body useful for the practice of yoga, it removes inertia.
3)The body is quite lightly bound. The muscles of the arms, legs, shoulders and back are well formed.
4)The flexibility of the spine increases and the spinal-adjacent nerves become more fresh.
5)Reduces excess fat and makes the body beautiful.
6)The heart, lungs, etc. work well.
7)Good exercise of the internal organs of the stomach increases digestion.
8)Anger increases resistance.
9)This exercise practice is especially effective before the start of any sport.
10)Exercising a few times a day increases the contraction of almost all the muscles in the body, resulting in increased physical agility.
11)Increases blood circulation in the body.
12) The chances of getting a sudden itch are reduced.
13)For those who can't do other exercises on time or for any other reason, Surya Pranam is especially useful.
14) The body of a regular practitioner of this exercise does not suddenly become diseased.
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