Uttitho Padmasana And Jhulasana
Uttitho Padmasana
A. Method - Sit in the Padmasana position and place both hands on the ground on either side of the waist. Gently lift the body from the ground with the mass in hand. Look straight ahead. The knees and buttocks should be parallel to the ground. Change your legs 4 times in 30 seconds. Breathing is normal.
B. Note - The fingers of the hand will be completely stuck to the ground. Fingers should not be raised or compressed. The mass of the body will be on the palms of the hands, not on the fingers.
C. Benefits -
1) Increases hand strength and cures hand tremors.
2) The muscles of the shoulders, neck and abdomen are strong.
3) Increases digestion capacity.
4)Having a foot position like Padmasana is beneficial for foot pain.
A. Method - Like the Uttitho Padmasana; But the weight of the body will be on five fingers instead of the palm of the hand. The palm of the hand will rise from the ground. It will be difficult to keep the mass on the first finger; You can get up easily in a few days. Change legs 4 times. At first 5-10 seconds each time, then gradually increasing the time to 30 seconds. Try to stay up.
B. Notable - Body will not shake. If you feel pain in your fingers, stop the habit temporarily.
C. Benefits -
1) All the benefits of Uttitho Padmasana are found in Jhulasana.
2) Finger exercises in particular are very good.
3) The asana is especially useful for volleyball players.
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