Yoga : A Reform
The word that has originated from the word 'Yuj', which means consent or unite. We habitually use the body, breathing, mind and heart to unite. This is a bankground of the mind, together with a stronghold, which we can see. Yog bayam is a physical, mental and Spiritual practice or discipline that has arisen in India. There are wide range of Hindu, Buddhist (especially thunderbolt Buddhism), jains and various schools, practices Yoga and realise the objectives of Yoga in India.
The most popular and most familiar among the different ways is to be the most common and very familiar with Raja Yoga and the Hatha Yoga . The emergence of how the emergence of the ethnic period, which is estimated from the history of Indian traditions. But perhaps during the fifth and sixth century BC and the surroundings of ancient India emerged during the movement of ancient India (SRARMANA). In the first millennium of the first millennium in India, the first millennium of Rishi Patanjali was held. But in the twentinth century, the West has gained great priority. The texts emerged in the eleventh century through the innovation of Tantra.
In India Patanjali Yoga Saddarsanas is one of the six systems that is very important and one of the Saddarsanas is known is called Yog philosophy.
One of the great sages, Rishi Patanjali formulated the basic principles of the Yoga and the essential features of the Yoga (some famous Western historians), which made an important contribution to the habit although these policies and features were sporadically spreading in the Upanishad. According to Patanjali, it is a conscious process of mastery of the mind.
The Superiority or Expansion of Yoga are widely explained in detail in Bhagabadgita and Upanishad. Swami Vivekanandar's success was described as the achievement of India and he is the first person who started and expand Yoga in the Western countries in the end of the nineteenth century and early in the twentieth century. In the 80s, the habit of which was popularly as a method of physical exercise in Western countries.
Swami Vivekananda said-
"It is a means Compressing One's Evolution into a single life or a few months or even a few hours of One's bodily existence ".
In Indian traditions are seen as a physical exercise and as well as in spiritual aspects. In the six main spirit of Hinduism, there is a hall in the school, which has its owna philosophy i.e closely related to Hindu philosophy (Sankhya Philosophy). This is the systematic conscious process that can severely narrow the process of human growth.
Sri Arabinda, emphasized towards the development of all like physical, emotional, intellectual, fungarian and spiritual direction. He wanted to say that Yoga is a disciplined effort for self-fulfillment by the possibility of the person's potential development. It is a process that can be fluttered through the limitations and imperfections. So that is a systematic process, which accelerates the growth of the person's entirety. A student can live in high condition of consciousness with this growth. Practice or culture of mind is the key to develop and growth of all of the permanent personality.
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